Best (and Worst) Carrier Oils for CBD
A carrier oil, also referred to as a base oil, is a plant-derived oil used to dilute a high concentration of CBD. It is necessary for a user to consume a consistent dose of CBD that is accurate. A carrier oil can also increase the bioavailability and absorption of essential oils, which is important to obtain a more effective dose of CBD.
Base oils are usually mild in flavor and weight and often have their own health benefits in addition to the CBD oil. Here are some of the most common (and uncommon) carrier oils used with CBD along with any benefits or flaws they may have.
Best Carrier Oils for CBD
Hemp Seed Oil
Hemp seeds, considered to be a superfood, are exceptionally rich in healthy fats, high-quality proteins, and other vitamins and minerals. One of the things that make hemp seed oil so great is the fact that it is made up of more than 80% omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
The omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is 3:1, which is considered optimal for human health. Hemp seed oil is also a great source of Gamma-linolenic acid, which plays an important role in reproductive health, metabolism, and brain functionality.
Some of the health benefits linked to hemp seed oil include:
- Reduced Anxiety
- Decreased Inflammation
- Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
- Improved Brain Functions
- Decrease in Premenstrual Symptoms
- Anti-Acne Treatment
- Anti-Bacterial Properties
Hemp seed oil is full of healthy fats and proteins that provide numerous health benefits. Paired with the fact that it is also derived from cannabis, hemp seed oil is considered one of the best choices as a carrier oil for CBD.
MCT Oil (Medium-Chain Triglycerides), is a popular choice as a carrier oil due to its easy digestion and high level of saturated fat. This helps the body absorb cannabinoids and provides a greater CBD bioavailability than many other base oils. There are also many benefits that are associated with MCT oil.
- Weight Loss
- Source of Energy
- Improved Memory
- Anti-Bacterial Properties
MCT Oil is typically made up of coconut oil or palm kernel oil. While it provides many health benefits and is known for great CBD bioavailability, it could be sourced from palm kernel oil, which is linked to deforestation, labor abuse, and unsustainable practices.
Sunflower Oil
This oil is naturally extracted from sunflower seeds and is packed with Vitamin E and Omega-6 fatty acids, making this a healthy addition to CBD oil.
Golden in color, sunflower oil has a subtle taste and promotes a healthy heart as it contains over 80% of monounsaturated fats. It is often used in food and cosmetics as well as many other essential oils. There are many known benefits of sunflower oil:
- Promotes a Healthy Heart
- Natural Moisturizer for Dry and Sensitive Skin
- Provides an Energy Boost
- Rich in Antioxidants
- Promotes Healthy Hair
- Improved Digestion
Sunflower oil is an eco-friendly and healthy carrier oil that works well with CBD and many other essential oils.
Avocado Oil
Avocado Oil is packed full of healthy fats and is known for the numerous benefits it provides users. Unlike other common carrier oils, avocado oil has a rich, nutty flavor.
It is also much thicker than other base oils used with CBD, which may make it more difficult for the body to digest. While it may not boast a greater CBD bioavailability when compared to other base oils, it is packed full of nutritional benefits.
- Reduces Cholesterol
- Improved Skin
- Antioxidant Properties
- May Reduce Symptoms of Arthritis
- Promotes Healthy Eyes
With an abundance of vitamins A, D, & E, avocado oil is a great addition to any health regimen. Since it is such a thick oil, it takes a long time to dry, making it more suitable for topical CBD products.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Did you know the olive oil that you use for cooking your meals can also be used as a carrier oil for CBD?
Olive oil is similar in health benefits to avocado oil holding a large amount of vitamins A, D, and E. It is also loaded with antioxidants, which can reduce your risk of heart disease and fight inflammation. Olive oil is packed with remarkable benefits.
- Lowered Risk of Heart Disease
- Anti-Inflammatory Properties
- Anti-Cancer Properties
- Anti-Bacterial Properties
While it is associated with many health benefits, olive oil requires more processing than other oils high in saturated fat. This could mean that the amount of CBD that is digested by the body is reduced than oils that have a higher CBD bioavailability.
Grapeseed Oil
This oil is extracted from grape seeds left over from winemaking. It has a highly neutral flavor and is light in color with a wine-like aroma.
High in polyunsaturated fats (mostly omega-6 fatty acids), grapeseed oil is commonly seen in beauty products for healthy skin. Grapeseed oil is also an excellent source of vitamin E, which gives antioxidant properties. Known benefits for grapeseed oil include:
- Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
- Antioxidant Properties
- Healthy Skin
Grapeseed oil is light and smooth on the skin, which makes it a good base for CBD massage oils. While it holds a high content of omega-6 fatty acids, it lacks the omega-3 fats that is needed for a proper balance to optimal health.
Since grapeseed oil is primarily made of polyunsaturated fats, it may not be the best choice as a base oil for CBD.
Pomegranate Seed Oil
High in omega-5 fatty acids, pomegranate seed oil is known to have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
It is a non-greasy oil that has been used for anti-aging skin products as it promotes skin cell regeneration and increased elasticity. Health benefits that are associated with pomegranate seed oil include:
- Antioxidant Properties
- Anti-inflammatory Properties
- Skin Cell Regeneration
- Immune Boost
- Promotes Digestive Health
Pomegranate Seed Oil has a favorable list of health benefits and can be a great choice as a carrier oil for CBD products, especially when it comes to topical skin solutions.
Arnica Oil
Another carrier oil commonly found in skincare products; arnica oil is linked to reducing inflammatory pain when applied topically.
It is known to assist in the treatment of bruises, cuts, and swelling but can be toxic if ingested, so is usually found in topical solutions. Some known benefits linked to Arnica oil include:
- Anti-inflammatory Properties
- Anti-bacterial Properties
- Reduced Hair Loss
- Dandruff Treatment
Arnica Oil is an excellent solution for topical CBD products but should not be taken orally as it can be toxic to digest.
Pumpkin Seed Oil
Rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, and zinc, pumpkin seed oil boasts a large range of health benefits. It also contains sterolin, which strengthens and hydrates skin and hair. It has a rich flavor and is often paired with skincare products.
With a high number of important vitamins and minerals, pumpkin seed oil has many fantastic benefits.
- Antioxidant Properties
- Skin Renewal
- Decrease Inflammation
- Healthy Hair
- Anti-Aging Properties
Commonly found in skincare products, pumpkin seed oil is also a safe carrier oil for CBD. Since it has a large flavor profile, it is a great addition to 43 Solutions pumpkin spice CBD tinctures.
Buy CBD Oil that uses a Supportive Carrier Oil
43 CBD Solutions uses an organic golden hemp seed oil as its carrier oil since it comes from the same plant and provides the most natural synergistic relationship with CBD.
The golden hemp seed oil used comes from the kernel of the hemp seed and has a beautiful golden color, which is cleaner and more translucent. This base oil has a more neutral flavor than hemp seed oils that are extracted from the whole seed making it a perfect pair with CBD oil.
Check out the 43 CBD Solution’s flagship CBD oil that includes the golden hemp seed oil.

2011 Study: Omega-3 lowers Inflammation and Anxiety
2014 Study: Cannabidiol and Acne Treatment
2005 Study: Hempseed oil and Eczema Treatment
2015 Study: Omega-3 fatty acids in the Treatment of Psoriasis
2011 Study: PMS and Essential Fatty Acids
2010 Study: Hempseed and Menopause
2017 Study: Anti-bacterial Properties of Hemp Seed Oil
2004 Article: Hempseed as a Nutritional Resource
Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) Health Benefits
2018 Study: Pomegranate Seed Oil and Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties